To create luxury bags you'll love to wear and love to feel.
My name is Emmoni Waters the CEO and designer of Affaires luxury Bags. I’ve noticed the importance of exploring all of your interest. Within the last year, I’ve really taken the time to learn more about fashion and design. The product of this was Affaires. This brand was created to make others feel empowered when carrying Affaires. Affaires is more than just a brand it is a feeling you get. The feeling of taking over whatever room you're in no matter who else is there. The feeling of being able to make a statement without saying a word. Affaires.
Affaires Essentials Collection is the first collection of the brand. This will consist of the essentials needed in everyones closet. The Essentials Collection will constantly grow and change. With that being said every item and collection is timeless and is not guaranteed to release again. There may be minor changes or completely different designs but the exact same bag will not release. The brand will grow and so will your collection of Affaires bags. As time passes you will be able to look at the timeline of the brand within your closet and have collectables.